The Voice of NY Resigns 😳

     It was a very bitter sweet moment in radio yesterday. Angie Martinez aka The Voice Of NY resigned. Angie took to Instagram ( announce her unexpected departure from NY's Hot97 radio.
      The industry is buzzing on what can possibly be in store for the Radio vet.There are some talks about a TV position in the works ,but nothing confirmed as of yet. What will Hot97 be without an Angie show 3-7pm.
    Many are blaming this on the stations  ex-program director Ebro. Ebro stepped down from the position a while back to join in on the morning show. The station hasn't been the same since Ebros not in that PD seat. 
     Angie's been on air during the toughest times in hip hop. If your from NY, you can't think of hip hop without Angie coming to mind.Wishing her nothing but the best in the future. 
Yesterday was definitely the first day of the end of a true Era. 

THIS JUST IN... Angie has made a major move over to hit 97 rival Power 105. 🙌 to Angie much success 


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