Forgotten Girl

She's very attractive 
Very interactive
Her smile can brighten the darkest of  days 
It's like she holds the cure for any sadness between her legs
Her kisses are as sweet as honey 
Her love is pure yet just as tricky as money 
She wants to be loved so bad 
She accepts it in anyway 
Not realizing the more of herself 
She gives 
The more pieces of her soul is drifting away  
They entertain her temporarily 
Using her body for their sexual pleasures
She's thinking with her heart 
Believing it's really her soul that they treasure 
Not realizing the faster 
It's given the sooner it's forgotten 
She could never be 
No more than a temporary fix 
No matter how good she expresses her love 
Gives her all 
She'll forever  be lost in the mix 
Looking for love 
Hoppin from dick to dick 
 She's the forgotten girl 
The one that no one will  ever truly MISS 


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