Disturbing Video surfaces in Newark

               This is a still photo of a Video that hit the Internet a couple weeks ago. The video was on WorldStarHipHop.com a while back and the submitters decided it would be fun to release it again. In the video a young man is forced to be stripped naked and then the perpetrators proceed to throw water on him and whip the young man with a leather belt.
                  In the year 2013 its hard to believe that such acts still take place but unfortunately they do. When we first had a chance to view the footage about a year ago when the incident first happened it was humorous. I mean a grown man stripping naked outside in public?  It was very humorous and some what unbelievable. How can one force another  to strip in  front of a group of their peers. Things  like this happen only in movies. At first viewing it was in resemblance to a scene in the movie "New Jack City", where Nino , a well known narcotics dealer forced the owner of the Carter to strip butt naked and walk down the streets of Harlem. And the same way it was funny then it became funny now.
               It wasn't until the reminding of what Blacks went through during their early voyage to the US , the video's underlying meaning and symbolism struck. Here we are in 2013 and we are watching a film depicting the acts of their ancestors. The only difference in this video and those of slavery are that the whippings were done by the masters or at the request of the Master. Who is  the Master in this film? Some may say the same  Master from before are still the Master.  Blacks seem to have so much self hatred against each other. To understand the basis of that you would have to study the psychology of black America. The video actually made CNN as well. So you can say these hood celebrities are worldwide now.
            Its demeaning  and simply disrespectful. Let this Video be a wake up call to black America. There needs to be a change. As long as they continue to sell the drugs the government pushes into the ghettos they're just making the TRUE MASTERS jobs very easy. The more they kill each other off the less the race in its entirely will diminish. Less fathers and brothers mean less children, less children mean no future at all.  Just think before you act people. Together you stand Divided you fall.  The government and other races dont care for you guys they are ok with the "Divide and Conquer" mentality. Its working you are simply doing their job for them , which is rid the world of African Americans as a whole.... food for thought.


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