Love And Hip Hop 2/4

              Last nights episode was so explosive. Where do we began?. OK lets just start from the
beginning. Yandy and Mandeecee are on two different levels. Its' clear that they both have different views on their relationship.  Yandy clearly is head over heels in love with Mandeecee but at a distance. She loves him but at the same time she realizes that she is still just a girlfriend to him. Mandeecee is still young and want the options to not come home for a night or two if he chooses to. Yandy's viewpoint are solely supported here at This Chaotic World. Telling you my every beck and move , every financial move is things that husband and wife do. If you do not plan on making her your wife you can not expect her to share husband and wife information with you. Yandy is not a stupid girl she's securing her space. Why lose a sure for a maybe? Her mother will for ever be her mother , and as long as she and Mandeecee are not married he can up and leave her at any giving time. So you cant blame her for just going with what she knows will last, Sticking by her mom. Kimbella made an appearance last night as well and we have to give it to her she looks amazing after two back to back babies. She was just there to give Yandy some advice as to spice up her relationship. Mandeecee celebrated a birthday as well last night. Yandy surprised him with a dinner at the very first hotel they stayed in and a sexy video she made for him. During his confessional, Mandeecee said " We stayed at a lot of hotels what makes this one so special?", its clear that he was only after one thing in the beginning of their relationship.  We'll be tuned in to see where these two end.
                    Now onto Joey and Tahiry. These two are clearly still in love with one another. You would have to be Stevie Wonder or Ray Charles not to see the chemistry between the two of them.Last episode Joe took a drug test at the request of Tahiry and he passed. As a reward for him passing the drug test Tahiry agreed to cook him a good ol' Dominican style meal. So they had dinner and its clear that they were trying their best  to remain cordial as the cameras were rolling. If the cameras disappeared so would their clothing. Can you be in love with two people? We don't know if you can but it seems , that Joe is. Is Kaylin that rebound that you force your self to love in order to stop loving your Ex? That's what its really starting to seem like. Where is Kaylin when all this is going on ? That is the question. How does Joe have time to have dinner with his ex, take drug test for his ex and prepare for a tour. If we were Kaylin, we'd have to smack Joe up a couples times or maybe even go as far being seen with other guys in order for Joe to get it together. If Kaylin doesn't do anything soon she might lose her man to his ex. Tahiry even went as far to post screenshots of her and Joe's text convo and mentioning Kaylin in the caption. Now we can't say we agree with this child like antic but it damn sure proves a point. Joe is a little too concerned about his Ex when he clearly has a girlfriend. From the previews its gets ugly for Joe when Kaylin and Tahiry come to blows. We'll definitely be watching to see how this love triangle will unfold.
                    There's more to the show but its so crazy it deserves its own article................. Stay put for the next posting.


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