Truth or Conspiracy? Earlier this week we bought you the sandy hook video now this. Is it true? Will the United States start shipping people off to concentration camps? Who knows but its no coincidence that in 1932 Hitler signed a bill to go after gun rights and later that year was the beginning of the Holocaust? He used children to win the hearts of his followers to get them to believe his beliefs. Shortly after gaining the trust of his followers, Hitler went on to commit the most heinous act in history besides SLAVERY, known as the HOLOCAUST.
Could this be where Obama is headed? There is plenty talk about the 2nd amendment being revoked. This is the land of the free but at what cost. Although we say the land of the free the Government still has the upper hand. So what will the United states Government do? Will they march into the homes of American citizens and take away their fire arms? Will they make gun laws stricter? Sandy Hook was just the tip of the iceberg. How far do we think the Government is willing to go to prove a point? Its crazy when innocent lives have to be sacrificed. If they install fear in the people the people will soon look to them for help. Wake up folk! the best way to solve a problem is to be the one to create it. If they create Chaos and have us believe that without their views and laws it'll continue, we're left with no choice but to believe in them. That is so not correct. Don't fall for the hype. 9/11 wasn't enough, hunh? What more does it take to believe that the United States Government are all for self. Civilians are just collateral damage. We must not be blind to what they are doing right before our eyes.
We're in no shape or form are Obama Bashing. But we do understand in a world of politics at times that's all it becomes, JUST POLITICS! Don't believe everything they feed to you. Dig deeper and know whats really going on...........
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